Wednesday, January 30, 2008


In the last year alot of things have changed in my life. I made the transition from High school to College. My parents got divorced. These changes were somewhat difficult to deal with. My parents getting a divorce wasn't very easy. Graduating High School and realizing that I was moving on to College was more of a reality check. I only think change is hard if you let it be hard. College is completely different from High School. College is hard in a homework kind of way but easy in a the teachers aren’t as hard on you. I think that I like College better. Change is always needed though, I know that I hang out with a certain group of people for so long and then I always say I need a change, so I try to hang out with some of my other friends for a couple of times just for a little bit of a change. There are a lot of things people try to change for. I think someone should always be there selves and not worry about changing for other people or things. I disagree with letting someone judge you and letting it effect the way you think of yourself. So, as you can see I believe there are different ways to deal with and to think of the word change. Change is difficult and hard to cope with. It takes time and its hard, but if you allow things to change I think everything works how it’s supposed to.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

About me

i'm Kayci Scott i'm 19 years old. I live in El Dorado, Kansas. I have always lived here. I graduated from El Dorado High School in 2007. I am currently undecided on my major. I have 1 older sister Brandi and 1 younger brother Josh. My parents are divorced as of 2006. My sister lives in texas and is due with my first nephew in February. I plan to move to Wichita and go to WSU after I finish at Butler.